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Automated Performance Reporting of Sponsored Posts with TalentSheets

TalentSheets offers an integrated set of tools that together turn your Google Drive into a robust influencer marketing platform, saving you a tremendous amount of time along the way. These tools are available to anyone who installs the TalentSheets Chrome Extension and TalentSheets Google Sheets Add-on.

One of the biggest time savers unlocked by TalentSheets comes through the reporting features integrated into the “Performance Tab” of the proprietary TalentSheets template. Once an influencer posts their sponsored content to Instagram or YouTube, you can use the “Performance Tab” to automatically track key performance metrics like the total number of views, clicks, likes, cost per view, cost per click and click through rate.

This feature is also incredibly easy to use - first, simply drop in the URL of your applicable live YouTube or Instagram sponsored post into the appropriate cell of the “Content URL” column (in the “Roster Tab”) which corresponds to the specific influencer who made the post:

Once you’ve dropped in the active URL into the correct “Content URL” cell for the relevant influencer who made the post, then move over to the “Performance Tab” and navigate to Add-ons >TalentSheets > Refresh Performance Stats and then select either Current Row or All Videos (depending on how many row of data you’d like to refresh), which will then begin automatically populating relevant performance data into your TalentSheets template:

Next, if you’ve created your unique shortened tracking links via TalentSheets as well (see our Blog Post on that feature here), then you can also navigate to Add-Ons > TalentSheets > Bitly > Refresh Bitly Stats and populate additional data detailing the number of clicks on each unique tracking link as well, which will then enable the TalentSheets template to automatically calculate CPV, CTR, and CPC.

Taken together, the “Performance Tab” of the proprietary TalentSheets template can provide (and automatically update) reporting for the following performance metrics for each influencer in your campaign:

  • Talent Name

  • Channel URL

  • Content URL (for the active sponsored post)

  • Upload Date

  • Days Live

  • Expected View (YouTube)

  • Actual Views

  • View Differential (i.e., between Actual Views and Expected Views)

  • Clicks (for the link generated via TalentSheets template and your account)

  • Cost Per View

  • Click Through Rate

  • Cost Per Click

Since all of this data is automatically populated with just a few clicks, you can easily monitor the total performance of your influencer marketing campaign to see how well each influencer partner is doing in terms of engaging their audience to help you move down your sales funnel toward actual revenue for your business.

As you start to run multiple campaigns, we also suggest that you continue to partner with the highest performing influencers, while searching for new influencers to replace those who have performed less well over time. Soon you’ll develop a portfolio of high performing influencer ambassadors who speak directly to your target audience and can help you acquire new customers at lower cost. And because TalentSheets makes all of this data available in Google Sheets, you have maximum flexibility to continue building your own formulas, incorporate additional data, and ultimately fine tune your influencer marketing campaigns to maximize ROI over the long term.

To learn more about how TalentSheets can help you save time and increase ROI on your influencer marketing efforts, keep reading our other blog posts!

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